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Plumbing is like a puzzle, with many pieces that must be combined to create a unified whole. Yet, despite this system’s complexity, many myths and misconceptions about plumbing can lead homeowners astray in their attempts at maintenance and repairs.

To better understand the truth behind these common beliefs, it is important to dive into how plumbing works and why certain actions may or may not be wise for homeowners to take.

Professional plumbers from Midwest Plumbing will discuss seven common plumbing myths, providing insight from an expert perspective on whether they hold any water.

Debunking Seven Plumbing Myths

Drain Cleaner: Safe and Efficient? Think Again!

While it may seem those store-bought drain cleaners are a quick and efficient solution for clogged pipes, the reality might surprise you. Brimming with harsh chemicals, these products can do more harm than good.

These powerful ingredients risk damaging your pipes, causing them to wear out prematurely and pose a significant threat to your health. If these potent substances come into contact with your skin, eyes, or if inhaled, they can lead to severe injuries.

Even though you might think drain cleaners are a surefire solution, they often fall short of expectations. This inadequacy might prompt you to try doubling up on different cleaning products.

Beware, though. Mixing these can trigger harmful chemical reactions. And if you decide to use a plunger after a failed attempt with drain cleaners, you risk splashing these dangerous chemicals on yourself. A smarter move? Start with a plunger or an auger, leaving chemical drain openers out of the equation.

Are Flushable Wipes Really Flushable?

Although branded as ‘flushable,’ these wipes can be quite deceptive. Unlike toilet paper, designed to dissolve, these wipes maintain their integrity, creating potential plumbing nightmares.

Sure, they might disappear down your toilet, but they could cause more extensive issues in your plumbing system.

Remember this simple rule: only toilet paper and human waste should take the plunge to keep your drains clear and happy.

Dispelling the ‘Minor Leaks’ Myth: Small Drips, Big Problems!

You might shrug off a tiny drip from your sink, but remember, each drop contributes to a potential waterfall of waste. Over time, these seemingly harmless drips could amount to gallons of squandered water.

What starts as a little leak may eventually worsen, escalating damage and water wastage. Addressing a plumbing leak at its inception halts the problem from escalating into a full-blown crisis.

Busting the ‘Lemon Peels’ Myth: Garbage Disposals Don’t Love Citrus!

You might have heard the old wives’ tale that lemon peels are a great way to freshen up your garbage disposal. However, contrary to popular belief, citrus peels can actually wreak havoc on your disposal system. The fleeting freshness in your kitchen might not be worth the dulling of the blades or the potential corrosion caused by citric acid.

Furthermore, the peels may jam your disposal.

The smarter choice? Opt for a cleaner specifically crafted for garbage disposals, and remember, safety first – always disconnect the power before cleaning any component of your disposal system.

Debunking the ‘Out of Sight, Out of Mind’ Myth: Plumbing’s Hidden Dangers

It’s easy to think that as long as the water is flowing smoothly down the drains, your plumbing system is in good shape. But, believe it or not, this isn’t always the case.

Clogs can stealthily grow over time, like invisible monsters, inside the pipes even if the water seems to be flowing fine. These hidden issues can start small but get bigger with every piece of debris that goes down the drain.

So, if you spot signs like slower-draining water or other unusual occurrences, don’t ignore them. Getting your drains cleaned could be the hero move to prevent a major plumbing catastrophe.

The Slippery Misconception of Grease and Hot Water in Drains

It might seem like a good idea to use hot water to flush away grease, believing it will melt and glide smoothly through your plumbing system. Unfortunately, this is a slippery myth.

As the grease travels further down the pipes, it cools off and returns to its solid state, like a sneaky villain, causing blockages. While a single spaghetti dinner’s grease might not cause trouble, frequent flushing of grease can lead to serious clogs.

So, consider having a heat-resistant jar at hand to collect and store the grease, disposing of it in the trash once it’s full.

The Misconception of DIY Plumbing Fixes

Every home will require plumbing attention at some point. The idea of wearing the DIY hero cape to save some money might be tempting, but professional plumbers fight many plumbing battles.

Amateur fixes could summon greater dragons, leading to larger problems that demand a hefty treasure to mend.

So, before you decide to play the plumber, ensure you’re armed with the right tools and knowledge to complete the repair.

What Are The Most Common Plumbing Problems?

Clogged drains are a common plumbing problem caused by various factors, including an accumulation of hair, food particles, and soap residue.

Leaking pipes can be caused by the deterioration of materials due to corrosion, water pressure, temperature fluctuations, or incorrect installation.

Clogged Drains

Clogged drains are a frequent issue that plumbers commonly encounter. This is often caused by the buildup of organic material such as food, hair, and soap scum which can slowly block the pipes until water flow becomes blocked.

To prevent clogs from forming, it is important to regularly practice effective drain cleaning habits such as using an enzyme-based cleaner or snaking the drain with a plumbing auger.

Homeowners may also need to call in professional help if they believe their problem is too severe for them to handle on their own.

Proper maintenance and care will ensure that your drains remain unclogged and can do their job correctly.

Leaking Pipes

Another common plumbing issue that plumbers encounter is leaking pipes. Leaks can occur from various causes, such as old and corroded pipes, improper installation, or damage to the pipe due to temperature changes.

It is important to identify leaks early on to avoid further damage to your property and wallet. Common signs of a leak include water stains on walls and floors, mold growth, increased water bills, and low fixture pressure.

Plumbing myths surrounding DIY fixes may appear helpful but are often ineffective at solving the problem. So, professional help should be sought when dealing with leaks.

What Are The Most Common Plumbing Mistakes?

Common plumbing mistakes can lead to issues ranging from minor inconveniences to costly repairs. Poor installation can cause plumbing problems, as even seemingly small oversights can have big repercussions. For example, failing to use enough sealant on a connection can create a weak point that leads to leaks and water damage. Similarly, not properly tightening joints can lead to water loss and other issues.

One of the most common plumbing mistakes is ignoring a clogged drain. While a clog may not seem like a serious issue, it can lead to problems like backed-up sewage, flooding, and even structural damage if it’s not addressed quickly. Additionally, leaving a clog untreated can create a breeding ground for bacteria and other organisms, leading to the spread of disease.

Finally, homeowners should remember that regular maintenance is essential for all plumbing systems. Not only does this help to identify and address any small issues before they become major problems, but it can also improve energy efficiency and reduce utility bills. Scheduling regular inspections and maintenance with a qualified plumber is the best way to ensure that your plumbing systems are running properly.

Improper Installation

Improper plumbing installation can be a major source of frustration and costly repairs.

Although DIY projects seem economical, hiring professional plumbers experienced with plumbing installations for large-scale jobs is always recommended.

Professional plumbers understand the nuances of working with different materials and will take all necessary safety precautions during installation.

Moreover, they have access to high-grade materials, which helps ensure that the job is done correctly and efficiently.

Therefore, when considering any plumbing installation, it is highly advised to seek qualified professionals who specialize in this field rather than attempting it yourself.

With their expertise, you can rest assured knowing your project will be completed properly while avoiding potential problems caused by improper installation methods or techniques.

Ignoring Clogs

Another common mistake when it comes to plumbing is ignoring clogs.

Clogged drains can be a major problem, as they lead to slow-draining water and cause backups, resulting in flooding and property damage.

To avoid such issues, regular maintenance of pipes and drainage systems should be done through methods like hydro jetting or even utilizing a drain snake or plunger for smaller blockages.

Furthermore, there are signs of an obstruction within the pipe network, such as gurgling noises from other fixtures when running water down one sink. In that case, proper action must be taken to remove the obstacle before it worsens.

Skipping Maintenance

Skipping maintenance is another common mistake when it comes to plumbing.

It is essential for homeowners and business owners alike to regularly inspect their pipes and drainage systems to identify any potential issues before they cause major damage or require costly repairs.

In addition, proper pipe repair should be done immediately if any problems are identified, as this can prevent further damage from occurring due to the leak or other issue that has occurred.

Regular plumbing maintenance, such as hydro jetting or using a drain snake or plunger, can help clear out blockages so that the system runs more efficiently and reliably without facing future clogs or backups.

Ultimately, taking these steps will save time and money while protecting property from water damage caused by the negligence of regular inspections and upkeep.

What Is The Longest Lasting Plumbing?

When selecting plumbing materials, it is important to choose those that are designed to last. The most long-lasting materials are highly durable, such as PVC (polyvinyl chloride), copper, and stainless steel. PVC is corrosion-resistant, flexible, and low maintenance, while copper and stainless steel are highly corrosion-resistant and able to withstand extreme temperatures. These materials are ideal for plumbing systems exposed to the elements or requiring long-term reliability.

Cast Iron Pipes

The myth that cast iron pipes is the longest-lasting option is commonplace regarding plumbing. However, this cannot be further from the truth; in reality, no single material or type of pipe can be considered universally “longest lasting” due to various factors such as soil composition and climate conditions.

While cast iron pipes may have a life expectancy of up to 75 years if properly maintained with regular drain cleaners and other preventive measures, they are more prone than other materials to corrosion caused by acidic groundwater.

Copper Pipes

Copper pipes have been used in plumbing for hundreds of years due to their excellent durability and strength. Copper is resistant to a variety of environmental conditions, such as high humidity and salt air, making it an ideal material not only for indoor piping applications but also for outdoor ones.

It has a proven track record for longevity; copper pipes can last up to 50 years or longer, depending on their environment. Copper pipes are also corrosion-resistant, eliminating the need for periodic maintenance that other materials may require.

This debunked another common plumbing myth: cast iron pipes were the longest-lasting option. Ultimately, each situation will dictate what type of pipe should be chosen for optimal performance over time, with careful consideration of all available options before deciding upon a final choice.

PVC Pipes

One of the longest-lasting plumbing materials is PVC (polyvinyl chloride). This highly corrosion-resistant material makes it suitable for both inside and outside applications. It is also very flexible, making it easy to install in tight spaces.

PVC is also low maintenance, which is an added bonus.

What Is The Life Expectancy Of Plumbing Systems?

The life expectancy of a plumbing system will depend on several factors, such as the type of system, the quality of installation, the quality of the materials used, and the frequency of maintenance.

Generally speaking, a properly installed and maintained plumbing system can last anywhere from 20 to 100 years. For example, copper pipes have a life expectancy of approximately 50 years, while cast iron pipes can last up to 100 years. PVC and polybutylene pipes may last as little as 20 years.

The best way to ensure a plumbing system will last as long as possible is to use quality materials, hire a qualified plumber for the installation, and perform regular maintenance. This includes checking for leaks and signs of wear and tear and having a professional inspect the system at least once a year. Proper care ensures a plumbing system can provide reliable service for many years.

Life Expectancy Of Home Plumbing

The life expectancy of home plumbing systems depends on the quality and regularity of maintenance.

Proper water heater maintenance is key to ensuring that your system lasts longer than its average lifespan, ranging from 8-12 years for a conventional tank or 20+ years for a tankless model.

Similarly, routine plumbing repairs should be conducted to avoid more costly issues down the road.

Regularly checking pipes, fixtures, and seals will go a long way in detecting any problems early enough to prevent them from escalating into major headaches.

Ultimately, with proper care and attention given to water heaters and plumbing systems, homeowners can expect their home’s plumbing to last well beyond its expected lifetime.

Life Expectancy Of Commercial Plumbing

When it comes to commercial plumbing, the life expectancy of a system is often much shorter than that of residential systems. This is due to the increased usage and pressure these systems endure daily.

As such, any issues with a commercial plumbing system should be addressed quickly and thoroughly by a professional plumber to prevent more costly repairs and even complete replacements down the line.

Furthermore, regular maintenance checks experienced professionals conduct can help identify potential problems early enough for quick resolution before they become major plumbing issues.

What Is The First Rule Of Plumbing?

Identifying plumbing problems and the common causes of plumbing problems are both important topics to consider when attempting to solve plumbing issues.

Investigating the source of the problem is the first step in diagnosing and resolving plumbing issues. Knowing the most common causes of plumbing issues can help expedite the process.

Identifying Plumbing Problems

The first rule of plumbing is to identify the problem before attempting a repair.

To do this, plumbers and homeowners need to understand the signs indicating issues with their plumbing system.

Common symptoms may include strange noises coming from pipes or drains, foul odors in areas where there should not be any smell, slow draining of water, low pressure when running faucets or showerheads, discolored water flowing through fixtures, unexpected increases in water bills, and damp spots on walls or ceilings.

If one of these scenarios occurs, it is best to call an experienced plumber who can diagnose and properly fix the issue.

Toilet repairs are common jobs for most plumbers; however, they must accurately determine what part needs replacing or adjusting to complete it efficiently and effectively.

Thus, identifying plumbing problems is essential to ensure all necessary repairs are completed correctly.

Common Causes Of Plumbing Problems

A common cause of plumbing problems is pipe blockage, caused by debris or foreign objects getting lodged inside.

This often occurs when water lines become clogged from grease and other substances that have accumulated over time.

Other causes may include broken seals on fixtures, cracked pipes due to shifting soil around a home’s foundation, or blocked vents near the roofline.

These issues can lead to serious damage if not addressed promptly and professionally by an experienced plumber.

Therefore, homeowners need to recognize signs of potential plumbing problems so they can take action before major damages occur.

What Is The Most Common Plumbing Item To Fail In A Residential Home?

Toilets are the most commonly failed plumbing item in a residential home due to the various components that need to function correctly for the toilet to operate.

Sink plumbing systems are also prone to failure, with the most common issue being blocked or leaking pipes.

Pipes are generally vulnerable to various issues, including corrosion, degradation, and blockages.

Showerhead plumbing is also prone to failure due to mineral deposits and other debris clogging the pipes and preventing water from flowing properly.

Faucet plumbing can also fail due to corrosion, wear and tear, or mineral deposits that can clog up the system.

Drains can become clogged and require regular maintenance to keep them functioning correctly.

Finally, residential water heaters can also suffer from various issues, such as corrosion, mineral buildup, and improper installation.


When discussing the most common plumbing item to fail in a residential home, toilets are likely the first thought that comes to mind.

Toilets often clog from improper disposal of items such as paper towels and other materials that should not be flushed down. Additionally, too much toilet paper accumulation can lead to failure or blockages within the system.

Homeowners must be mindful when disposing of these materials in their toilets and ensure any toilet paper used is septic-safe. To ensure optimal performance, it is recommended that regular maintenance checks be performed on all fixtures inside the home, especially those related to the toilet system.

Homeowners should take precautionary steps to prevent major issues with their toilets by being aware of what they flush and following proper guidelines for use.


In addition to toilets, sinks are another common plumbing item that can fail in a residential home.

Sinks often become clogged due to the accumulation of grease or other food particles and debris being washed down them.

Grease buildup is especially an issue because it can accumulate on the interior walls of pipes, resulting in blockages throughout the system.

Homeowners should take care when using their sink by not overloading it with food waste and disposing of any cooking oil properly instead of washing it down their sink drain.

Furthermore, regular maintenance checks can help prevent major issues from clogs or blockages caused by grease buildup inside pipes.

These precautions will ensure that sinks remain operational for years and perform optimally.


When discussing plumbing items that may fail in a residential home, pipes should also be considered. Pipes are responsible for transporting water and sewage throughout the house, and if they become blocked or damaged, they can cause major issues with water flow to certain areas.

Common causes of pipe blockage include:

  • Tree roots grow into them.
  • Corrosion due to old age.
  • Buildup from grease or other food particles.

To prevent these types of clogs, homeowners should routinely check their pipes and use baking soda mixed with warm water to clean out any buildup inside the pipes.

Additionally, they should regularly flush their toilet tanks using vinegar to help remove any hard mineral deposits that accumulate over time. With regular maintenance checks and proper cleaning techniques, homeowners can ensure that their pipes remain functional for years.

What Types Of Pipes Should You Avoid?

Lead pipes have been commonly used for plumbing for centuries. However, due to the high levels of lead leaching into drinking water, they have been banned in most jurisdictions as plumbing material.

Galvanized steel pipes are commonly used for plumbing. However, over time, the zinc coating on the pipes can corrode and release iron, decreasing water pressure and discoloration.

Polybutylene pipes were a common plumbing material in the late 1970s and early 1980s. However, they are now known to be unreliable due to a tendency to corrode and leak, leading to water damage and costly repairs.

Lead Pipes

Lead pipes have long been controversial in the plumbing industry due to their potential health risks.

Despite efforts by regulatory agencies, lead pipes are still commonly used in many older homes and public buildings.

Plumbers need to be aware of the dangers posed by these pipes so that they can properly advise clients on replacing them if needed.

Plumbing myths regarding lead pipes tend to focus on their alleged durability, but this isn’t true. At the same time, it may last longer than other piping material, lead erodes over time, and can consequently cause significant damage if left unchecked.

Furthermore, even small amounts of exposure to lead from these pipes can harm human health. They should not be taken lightly when considering any installation or repair job involving them.

Galvanized Steel Pipes

Galvanized steel pipes are another type of piping material that homeowners should know about.

These pipes have been used for many years and may still be found in older homes or public buildings. However, they can cause several plumbing problems due to their tendency to corrode over time.

As such, galvanized steel pipes should not be used when installing new plumbing systems, as the corrosion will eventually lead to leaks and other issues.

Moreover, galvanized steel pipes also present an increased risk of contamination from corrosive chemicals, making them unsuitable for any plumbing project regardless of location or purpose.

It is, therefore, important for plumbers to understand the potential risks posed by these pipes and take appropriate measures to avoid using them whenever possible.

Polybutylene Pipes

Another type of piping material that plumbers should be aware of is polybutylene pipes. These were used for residential water supply and sewer lines in the 1970s and 1980s. However, they are now considered unsuitable due to their tendency to crack over time.

As such, these types of pipes should not be used when installing new plumbing systems, as any minor damage caused by age or wear could lead to leaks and other issues. Moreover, polybutylene pipes can also present an increased risk of contamination from certain chemicals, which can cause them to break down faster than other materials.

This makes them particularly dangerous for homes with gas-powered appliances such as a water heater replacement, so it is best to avoid using polybutylene pipes wherever possible.

What Ways Can a Pipe System Can Fail?

Pipe systems can fail due to leaking pipes, often caused by cracked or corroded pipes or ill-fitted joints.

Clogged drains can result from debris buildup or the incorrect sizing of pipes, resulting in reduced water flow.

Burst pipes can be caused by freezing temperatures or the pressure of a sudden rush of water.

Leaking Pipes

Pipe systems often fail due to leaks, which several reasons, such as corrosion or breaks in the line, can cause.

A professional plumber should always be consulted when it is suspected that a pipe may leak. They will use specialized technology to detect the exact location of this leak.

In many cases, repairing the pipe system requires replacing all or part of the pipeline and any associated components. However, finding an experienced repair technician is essential for successful repairs and for preventing future damage.

Leak detection is a key step in ensuring the proper functioning of any plumbing system, and having access to trustworthy technicians who are familiar with performing line repairs is paramount.

Therefore, it is important to take preventative measures against leaking pipes by regularly inspecting them and seeking professional assistance when necessary.

Clogged Drains

Clogged drains pose a significant problem for pipe systems and can be caused by an accumulation of debris, grease, or even tree roots.

Sewage will often back up in the system, leading to flooding if left unchecked.

Liquid drain cleaners are sometimes used as a temporary solution, but they should not be relied upon as they may cause further damage to pipes over time.

Professional plumbing services should always be consulted when dealing with clogs. They have access to specialized tools and techniques to help clear blockages quickly and efficiently without damaging the existing piping.

Regular maintenance is key in preventing future clogs and ensuring the proper functioning of any plumbing system. However, it is important to remember that experienced technicians should always be sought out for this task.

Burst Pipes

Burst pipes are another common issue that can occur in a plumbing system. These incidents happen when water pressure builds up and causes the pipe to rupture, flooding the surrounding area.

This type of incident is considered relatively severe due to the damage it can cause; it requires immediate attention and costly repairs after the fact.

Homeowners or businesses need to be aware of any potential signs of a burst pipe, such as unusual sounds coming from the walls or ceilings or an unexplained increase in their water bill.

Taking appropriate steps to prevent this sort of occurrence by regularly inspecting pipes for any wear and tear, checking for leaks, and ensuring sufficient insulation around vulnerable areas will help ensure optimal functionality within a plumbing system.

Myths About Plumbing Maintenance

Prolonged use of drain cleaners can corrode plumbing pipes, leading to further blockages and damage.

Experienced professionals should only attempt DIY repairs, as even minor plumbing repairs can have major consequences if done incorrectly.

Flushing foreign objects such as paper towels, sanitary products, and food waste can lead to clogs, which can be difficult to remove without professional assistance.

Prolonged Use Of Drain Cleaners

The use of drain cleaners can be an attractive solution to clogged drains, but homeowners need to understand the negative impacts that these caustic chemicals could have on their plumbing.

Prolonged and repeated usage of drain cleaners causes corrosion over time as these corrosive substances eat away at metal pipes. This can lead to leaks and other more serious problems in the home’s drainage system.

Moreover, if certain types of pipes are used (such as aluminum or PVC), they can start to break down due to exposure to the chemical compounds contained within some types of cleansers.

The dangers of using drain cleaners should not be underestimated; regular maintenance by a professional plumber is far safer than relying exclusively on such products when dealing with clogs or slow-moving drains in bathrooms and kitchens.

DIY Repairs

DIY plumbing repairs are often seen as a good way to save time and money while maintaining one’s home, but qualified professionals should only perform certain repair projects.

Issues such as tankless water heater installation or sump pump replacement require the expertise of a plumber, given the complex nature of these systems and the potential for serious damage if not properly handled.

DIY-ers should also consider their safety when attempting major repairs; incorrect handling of electrical wiring can lead to shocks and other dangerous situations.

Homeowners must weigh all risks before deciding whether to tackle such tasks or hire an experienced professional.

Flushing Foreign Objects

It is important to understand the myths and realities regarding plumbing maintenance.

One of these misconceptions relates to flushing objects unsuitable for toilet use, such as wet or flushable wipes.

Despite their labeling, they do not always break down easily enough once flushed and can cause blockages further down the pipes leading to costly damage.

This could be avoided by disposing of foreign objects in a bin rather than attempting to flush them away.

Costly Repairs

Another common misconception about plumbing repairs is that they are always expensive.

Certain jobs, such as replacing a garbage disposal or water heater, may require significant expenditure on the homeowner’s part. Minor fixes and general maintenance can often be done for little money using the DIY approach.

In addition to regular inspections and preventative measures, one could invest in their tools and supplies to save money by conducting small-scale plumbing repair work.

Ultimately, being aware of potential problems ahead of time can help reduce costly repairs in the long run.

Life Expectancy Of Repairs

The life expectancy of repairs is an important factor to consider when assessing plumbing problems.

In general, fixtures and appliances that are regularly maintained will have a much longer lifespan than those that need to be properly cared for.

For example, if disposed of improperly, traditional toilet paper can be detrimental to the pipes.

As such, regular inspections should take place to assess any potential issues before the problem becomes worse.

Furthermore, taking preventative measures such as avoiding certain objects from flushed down toilets or garbage disposals can help ensure the longevity and efficiency of one’s plumbing system.

Myths About Plumbing Materials

Plastic piping is often considered less durable than other materials. However, recent studies have found that plastic piping is as durable as copper and PVC.

Copper piping has traditionally been relied upon for its strength and durability. However, recent studies have found that copper is not infallible and can succumb to corrosion over time.

PVC piping is often considered weaker than other materials. However, recent studies have found that PVC is as strong and durable as copper and plastic piping.

Midwest Plumbing Uncovers the Truth About Seven Common Plumbing Myths

Plumbing experts from Midwest Plumbing emphasize the importance of being well-informed on the most common plumbing myths. The truth is many of these myths are outdated, inaccurate, and can even be dangerous.

From thinking that all plumbers are the same to believing that running water will clean out clogged pipes, understanding the truth behind these myths is essential for any homeowner.

Midwest Plumbing is dedicated to providing quality services and educating our customers about the truth about plumbing. We strive to ensure that our customers are informed and prepared for any plumbing issue they may encounter. With our expertise and knowledge, you can rest assured that any plumbing issue can be safely and effectively solved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Leaving the Water Running in A Sink Prevent Pipes from Freezing?

Leaving the water running in a sink does not prevent pipes from freezing. When temperatures drop below freezing point, the running water can increase the chance of pipes freezing and bursting due to the water’s pressure. It is much more effective to insulate pipes and keep the temperature inside the house above freezing.

Does Pouring Boiling Water Down a Sink Help to Unclog It?

No, pouring boiling water down a sink will not help to unclog it. Boiling water can damage pipes and can even cause them to burst. Instead, use a plunger, a drain snake, or a chemical cleaner to loosen and remove the clog. If these measures do not work, call a professional plumber.

Is It True that You Should Never Pour Grease Down a Drain?

Yes, indeed, you should never pour grease down a drain. Grease is a liquid when it is hot but solidifies when it cools. This can cause clogs in your pipes and can lead to plumbing issues. The best way to dispose of grease is to pour it into a container and throw it away.

Is It True that You Should Never Use a Chemical Drain Cleaner?

While chemical drain cleaners can effectively remove blockages, they should not be used as a regular maintenance solution. Chemical drain cleaners can be corrosive and cause damage to pipes over time. If you have issues with blocked drains, it is best to use a plunger or a drain snake or call a professional plumber.


Midwest Plumbing