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It is a common problem in many households to have clogged toilets. Fortunately, several reliable methods of clearing toilet clogs can be used depending on the severity of the issue and available resources.

Professional plumbers from Midwest Plumbing detail four ways to unclog a stubborn toilet bowl.

What Is Toilet Blockage?

Toilet blockage is common, and clogs are one of the main causes. A toilet clog can occur when too much waste materials accumulate, or an object blocks the passage of water from exiting the bowl.

Fortunately, there are several ways to unclog a toilet without professional help. These include using a plunger, using a wire hanger, pouring a chemical drain cleaner into the bowl, or manually removing whatever is blocking it with your hands (if possible).

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages; for instance, plungers require manual strength, while chemical cleaners do not, but they may cause damage to pipes over time if used excessively. Regardless of which method you choose, taking action quickly will help you avoid bigger messes in the future.

What Causes A Toilet Blockage?

Foreign objects are a common cause of toilet blockages. Unusual items such as toys, jewelry, and even children’s clothing can often be the culprits behind a clogged toilet.

Clogged drains can also cause toilet blockage. The debris build-up, such as hair and soap scum, can prevent water from flowing freely and cause a backup.

Pipe corrosion is another potential cause of toilet blockages. Over time, the pipes in a toilet can corrode and become blocked, preventing water and waste from passing through.

Foreign Objects

The presence of foreign objects in the toilet can be a major cause of the blockage.

While drain cleaners may be able to remove some clogs, it is best practice to use a plunger or an auger (drain snake) for large items like toys and clothing that may have been flushed down by accident.

In addition, having a long-handled toilet brush can help users clear any debris from around the rim and underneath the waterline.

It is also important to inspect pipes regularly to ensure no obstructions are forming so that future problems can be avoided.

With these simple practices, toilets will remain unclogged and free-flowing.

Clogged Drains

When it comes to drain clogs, the best way to avoid them is by regularly cleaning out pipes and drains with a professional-grade cleaner. This will help keep obstructions from forming in the first place.

It’s also important to remember that while chemical cleaners can be effective, they may cause damage if not used appropriately. In cases where chemicals are needed, users should consult a plumber for advice before use.

If an obstruction does occur, using a plunger or auger (drain snake) is usually enough to clear most blockages. Calling a professional plumber is also likely necessary for more stubborn clogs.

These tips will ensure that your drains remain debris-free and properly functioning for years to come.

Pipe Corrosion

In addition to clogs, corroded pipes are another common cause of toilet blockages.

Over time, the inner surfaces of metal pipes can be eaten away by acids found in many household cleaners and other substances that come into contact with them.

This corrosion causes a build-up of residue, eventually leading to complete obstruction.

This issue often requires line replacement as drain snakes or plungers may not cut through the material blocking the pipe.

Homeowners must inspect their plumbing periodically to identify problems before becoming more serious.

Regular maintenance, like non-corrosive cleaning agents, will help prevent future issues and keep your plumbing system running smoothly.

How Do You Prevent Toilet Blockage?

Plunging is the most commonly used method of clearing a toilet blockage. It involves using a plunger to force the clog out of the drain.

Drain cleaners are another option for clearing a toilet blockage. These products use a combination of chemicals to break down the blockage and remove it from the drain.

Regular maintenance is also important for preventing toilet blockage. This includes clearing debris from the toilet bowl regularly and ensuring that pipes are free from obstructions.

Finally, avoiding clogs in the first place is the best way to prevent toilet blockage. This involves only flushing biodegradable materials down the toilet and being mindful of the amount of toilet paper used.


Plunging is one of the most common methods to clear a blocked toilet. It requires only a plunger and some elbow grease, making it an accessible option for anyone who needs to unclog their toilet quickly.

First, ensure you have the right toilet plunger – many homeowners mistakenly use sink plungers on toilets, which will not provide enough suction power.

Place the cup over the opening in your toilet bowl and press down firmly, creating a seal to help build up pressure inside the pipe.

Once sealed, rapidly push and pull on the handle several times until you feel resistance from whatever is blocking the pipes.

Drain Cleaners

In addition to plunging, drain cleaners are another way to prevent toilet blockage. These products are designed to dissolve clogs and keep your pipes clear of debris.

When choosing a drain cleaner for toilets, it is important to read the instructions carefully, as some chemicals may not be safe for plumbing systems.

If you prefer more natural methods, then a combination of vinegar and baking soda can also work well at dissolving stubborn clogs. To get the best results when cleaning out drains with this method, let the solution sit overnight before flushing away any remaining residue.

It is recommended that these techniques should only be used periodically as a preventive measure. Regular maintenance, such as snaking or hydro jetting, should still be performed by professionals if necessary.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is essential for preventing toilet blockage and can help ensure your plumbing system remains in good condition.

This includes mopping the floor around the toilet and checking for any signs of damage or leaks. If you notice any cracks or discoloration on the surface of your toilet, it’s important to have these repairs done by a professional plumber as soon as possible.

Additionally, checking for clogs forming in drains and using preventative measures such as plunging or drain cleaners to clear them away will help keep toilets running smoothly.

With proper care and regular maintenance, you can rest assured that your toilet will remain free from blocking problems.

Unblocking Toilets With A Plunger

When addressing unblocking toilets with a plunger, it is important to consider the types of plungers available and the proper method of using them.

Additionally, it is important to understand the different techniques for using a plunger to clear a toilet effectively.

Types Of Plungers

Plungers come in two main types: cup plungers and flange plungers.

Cup plungers are designed to create suction and can be used on any clogged sink or bathtub drain.

Flange plungers have an additional lip around the bottom edge that helps them form a tighter seal against the base of a toilet bowl, making them ideal for clearing tough toilet clogs.

Ideally, both plungers should be kept in your home so you’re always prepared for plumbing emergencies.

With proper use, either plunger can free up toilet clogs quickly and without too much effort.

Using A Plunger

When attempting to unblock a toilet with a plunger, using the right tool for the job is important.

A cup-style plunger may be suitable for sinks and bathtubs but will not create enough suction pressure on a toilet bowl to dislodge the blockage. For this reason, flange plungers are preferred as they can form a tighter seal against the base of the toilet bowl and push air forward more effectively, enabling them to break through tough clogs.

It is recommended that both types of plungers are kept in any home where plumbing emergencies could arise so that you’re well-equipped when needed.

With correct usage, either type of plunger should be able to clear away most clogs quickly and easily.

How Do You Unclog Toilets With Boiling Water?

Boiling water safety should be considered before unclogging a toilet with boiling water. This includes wearing protective clothing such as gloves, safety glasses, and long sleeves and avoiding splashing or spilling boiling water.

When preparing the boiling water, it is important to consider the size of the clog and the amount of water needed to clear it. Large amounts of boiling water may be necessary for serious clogs, but too much water can cause flooding.

Clearing the clog requires pouring the boiling water slowly into the toilet, giving the water time to work on the clog. After a few minutes, the toilet should be flushed to see if the clog has been cleared. If the clog is still present, additional boiling water may be needed.

Boiling Water Safety

When unclogging a toilet with boiling water, it is essential to take the proper safety precautions.

You should always wear rubber gloves, and caution should be taken not to splash any boiling liquid onto exposed skin.

It is also important that care is taken when carrying the hot liquid from source to destination to avoid spills or injuries.

Boiling water can corrode certain plumbing materials, so research into the material makeup of your pipes should be done before using this method to remove clogs.

Therefore, if you choose to use boiling water for clearing blockages, ensure that all safety measures are observed; it could save time and discomfort in the long run.

Preparing The Water

Once the safety precautions have been taken, it is time to prepare the boiling water.

Depending on the severe clog, a solution of vinegar and hot water may be necessary as an additional form of unclogging.

The exact amount of vinegar used will depend on the level of blockage in the pipes; however, one cup of white or apple cider vinegar should suffice when mixed with two gallons of boiling water.

This mixture has proven to dissolve many common forms of debris in toilets, such as soap scum and toilet paper, that have caused clogs.

Clearing The Clog

After preparing the boiling water, it is time to address the clog.

The toilet bowl should be inspected for any visible signs of blockage.

If a clogged toilet is present, an auger or plumber’s snake may need to break apart and remove any debris that has built up in the pipes.

Additionally, wearing rubber gloves is a must when dealing with plumbing issues as this will help protect against harmful bacteria.

After the clog has been cleared, flush the toilet to ensure all remaining debris has been removed from the system.

As a final safety measure, cleaning supplies can also be used to disinfect the area before use once again.

Unblocking Toilets With Chemical Cleaners

There are a variety of chemical cleaners designed to unblock toilets, including those containing sulfuric acid and caustic soda.

Safety precautions should be taken when using chemical cleaners, such as wearing gloves and protective eyewear and ventilating the area.

The clean-up process of a clogged toilet should involve flushing the toilet multiple times after the chemical cleaner has been applied to ensure all residue is flushed away.

Types Of Chemical Cleaners

Certain chemical drain cleaners can unblock toilets when other methods fail. These products contain various acids and alkaline substances that work through corrosion or the dissolution of organic matter to break down blockages.

Diluted hydrochloric acid is commonly found in these chemicals, as well as sodium hydroxide, sodium hypochlorite, and potassium hydroxide. It is important to read all instructions before using any drain cleaner; protective clothing may also need to be worn while handling this product.

Ultimately, it pays to exercise caution when utilizing chemical drain cleaners for toilet clogs.

Safety Precautions

When using chemical drain cleaners to unblock toilets, it is important to take certain safety precautions. The use of protective clothing, such as rubber gloves and eyewear, should be mandatory when handling these chemicals due to their highly corrosive properties.

In addition, if the blockage appears to be particularly stubborn or extensive, a homeowner may want to call for backup from an experienced plumbing technician. This will ensure that the job is done safely and efficiently with minimal risk of damage to the toilet or pipes.

Furthermore, homeowners should always read all instructions carefully before utilizing any drain cleaner. This includes understanding appropriate dosage levels for optimal performance. Taking these steps can help protect against potential health risks associated with improper usage of chemical cleaning products in the home environment.

Clean-Up Process

Once the drain cleaner has successfully unblocked the toilet, completing a thorough clean-up process is important.

Care should be taken when disposing of any leftover chemicals, as they can pose an environmental hazard if not disposed of properly.

Toilet paper and vinegar may also be used for general clean-up; vinegar, in particular, has mild acidity that can help dissolve residual deposits from chemical drain cleaners.

Additionally, homeowners may consider replacing their toilet bowl water with fresh tap water after completing their cleaning routine in order to ensure a safe environment for future use.

Unblocking Toilets With A Drain Snake

Before using a drain snake, it is essential to ensure the snake is properly prepared by inspecting the blades for any damage or debris.

Once the snake is prepared, it should be inserted into the toilet slowly and carefully to avoid further damage to the toilet or pipe system.

Once the snake is in position, it should be worked slowly and carefully around the pipes to clear the clog and restore proper flow.

Preparing The Snake

Before attempting to unblock a toilet with a drain snake, it is necessary to prepare the tool for use properly.

The most popular hanger snake used in plumbing and home improvement consists of metal wire bent into a U shape that fits snugly into the drain hole.

This type of snake should be flexible enough to reach deep down the pipe without getting stuck and rigid enough to push through any blockage present.

It is important to ensure that all dirt or debris has been cleared away from the end of the wire so as not to worsen any existing clogs.

Inserting The Snake

With the necessary preparation, it is time to insert the plumbing snake into the drain.

Depending on its purpose and size, a plumber or home improvement enthusiast may opt for a metal wire coat hanger or an industrial-grade plumbing snake.

The latter will be more suitable when clearing clogs in larger pipes.

In any case, the tool should fit snugly inside the pipe hole, be flexible enough to reach deep down without getting stuck and be rigid enough to push through any blockage present.

Clearing The Clog

The right tool for the job is important when clearing a clog with a plumbing snake.

While some people may use vinegar or plungers, these methods are often less effective than draining snakes.

It should be noted that depending on the severity of the blockage, it may take several attempts and different-sized snakes to unclog the toilet successfully.

To ensure success, users should insert a small snake into the pipe hole before gradually increasing its size.

With patience and effort, any difficult obstruction can be cleared if all safety protocols are followed correctly.

Unblocking Toilets With An Auger

An auger is a plumbing tool used to unblock toilets. It is a flexible cable with a corkscrew-shaped end designed to break through clogs in pipes.

To use a drill safely, it is important to know the risks involved. Protective eyewear, gloves, and clothes should be worn to protect the user from debris and bacteria.

Unclogging a toilet with an auger is a relatively simple process.

First, the auger should be inserted into the toilet, and the cable should be fed down until it reaches the blockage.

Then, the auger should be twisted to break through the clog.

Types Of Augers

Clearing a blocked toilet can be unpleasant, but it doesn’t have to be.

Using an auger is the most efficient way to unclog your drains and toilets in one go – no matter how tough the clog may be.

It’s important to know that different types of augers are available on the market; each is designed for specific purposes, such as removing thick debris or reaching further down into pipes.

Hand augers are best suited for clearing minor blockages, while closet augers fit through small spaces, and snake-style drain augers have more power than hand models, making them ideal for bigger blockages.

Auger Use And Safety

When using an auger, safety is of paramount importance. Appropriate clothing, such as gloves and eye protection, should always be worn when operating the device.

Before use, the area around the toilet should also be cleared of any obstacles that may interfere with the operation or cause injury.

The user must ensure they are familiar with their particular model’s instructions before attempting to unclog a toilet drain, paying special attention to how far down into pipes it can reach and whether its motor will burn out due to overwork.

Unclogging With An Auger

The device is designed to move through tough clogs and compacted material in drains or pipes without causing damage.

It’s worth noting that some models come equipped with reverse capabilities for clearing stubborn obstructions, which require more power than pushing alone provides.

Augers are also effective when used on fixtures such as a bathroom sink or bathtubs, where their long reach allows them to access difficult-to-reach places.

Its portability makes it easy to easily take it from one project to another.

What are Some Professional Maintenance Tips To Keep Toilets Clear And Running Smoothly?

Regularly cleaning the toilet bowl is important to ensure it remains clear and running smoothly. Using the correct cleaning products and following the manufacturer’s instructions can help to ensure toilets are free of germs and bacteria.

Checking the plumbing and tightening any fittings that may have become loose can help to maintain the toilet’s performance. Taking preventative measures such as inspecting the flushing mechanisms, adjusting the water level, and adjusting the flushing frequency can help ensure the toilet works properly.

Clean Bowl Regularly

Maintaining a clean bowl is essential to keeping toilets clear and running smoothly.

Regular cleaning of the toilet bowl with dishwashing liquid and paper towels can help remove residue, dirt, and germs that may accumulate in the bowl over time.

For best results, it’s recommended to scrub all surfaces, including under the rim where bacteria can hide, at least once a week or more often if necessary.

Dishwashing liquid provides an effective cleansing agent, while paper towels are useful for absorbing moisture and removing any remaining residue.

After each scrubbing session, flush the toilet twice to remove all traces of liquid soap and other residues from the bowl.

Use Cleaning Products

When maintaining a clean and functioning toilet, cleaning products can be an essential tool.

Many products on the market today are specifically designed for toilets, such as clog removers, bowl cleaners, and deodorizers.

When combined with regular scrubbing of surfaces and wiping down fixtures, these products help keep the area fresh and unclogged at all times.

For best results, try using a special product with your particular type of toilet; this way, you’ll get the most effective cleaning without any risk of damage or corrosion.

Additionally, follow instructions carefully when using any chemical-based product – improper usage can lead to blockages or worse.

Check Plumbing

Another important step in keeping toilets clear and running smoothly is regularly checking the plumbing.

Flushing the toilet should be done periodically as a preventative measure, not just when necessary; this ensures any small blockages are cleared before they become more serious problems.

It’s also a good idea to keep a plunger handy for emergencies.

Furthermore, often checking for leaks or signs of corrosion will help avoid costly repairs.

With routine checks of both flushes and fixtures, homeowners can ensure their toilets remain free from clogs and function optimally.

Unclog Your Toilet with Professional Solutions from Midwest Plumbing

Toilets are an important part of any home, and it is essential to keep them running smoothly.

A million households in the United States experience a clogged toilet within a year. With this in mind, it is clear that unblocking toilets can be a common issue among homeowners.

There are multiple ways to unblock blocked toilets, ranging from chemical cleaners to augers. It is also possible to do so without special tools by using hot water and plunging.

Regardless of which method is used, it’s always best to check for potential regular clogging, as prevention will save time and money down the line.

So next time your toilet gets backed up, you’ll have all the information necessary to get things flowing again. But, if these four ways to clear a toilet won’t help, you can get professional help from Midwest Plumbing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is There A Best Way To Unblock A Toilet?

Plungers or drain snakes are the most common tools for removing clogs from toilets. Plungers create suction, forcing water up and down to clear out the obstruction. Alternatively, drain snakes can physically remove blockages with flexible metal rods fitting into pipes. If these methods fail, chemical solutions, such as specialized cleaners or acid-based liquids designed specifically for clearing drains and toilets, may be necessary. Finally, professional plumbing services can help resolve your blocked toilet problem if all else fails.

Are Chemical Cleaners Safe To Use On Toilets?

The use of chemical cleaners to unblock a toilet can produce results. However, they should be used with caution. While the strong acids and caustic alkalis are effective at clearing drains, it is important to consider whether these chemicals will cause damage in the long term. Corrosive materials may wear away sealants over time, and harsh chemicals could erode porcelain surfaces. Therefore, when using chemical cleaners on toilets, it is wise to take precautions such as wearing protective clothing or gloves and ventilating the room properly.

How Often Should I Check For Clogs In My Toilet?

There is yet to be a definitive answer as to how often this inspection should take place. Instead, different factors must be considered to decide an appropriate frequency for inspections. These elements include the age and condition of the pipes that lead from the toilet bowl to the septic tank or sewer system and any changes in water pressure or volume that could indicate a potential issue with your plumbing.

What Type Of Auger Should I Use For Unblocking A Toilet?

It is important to select a heavy-duty yet flexible cable made from durable material such as steel so that it will not break off if it encounters any resistance during its operation.

Is It Possible To Unblock A Toilet Without Any Special Tools?

Unblocking a toilet without special tools can be done in several ways. First, using the basic plunging method can often dislodge minor blockages. Additionally, you could pour hot water with baking soda and vinegar down the clogged drain to help break up stubborn clogs.


Midwest Plumbing